liberal, fat and liking it, proverbs 11-25, audio
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![]() ![]() Proverbs 11:25, The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. In our politically correct world the word fat is no longer in vogue and its use is suppressed for it might cause a fat person (oops) I mean a person of substance, a person who is gravitationally challenged or horizontally gifted, to take offense. And you know that taking offense seems to be the worst thing that can ever happen to you so we are to avoid it like the plague. But it seems our culture has declared war on fat. We are careful to examine the labels on food packages lest we get a little fat in our diet. All kinds of warnings fill the airwaves about fat ruining your health, causing heart problems and leading to an early death, for high cholesterol, which is tied to fat intake, can kill. We buy low fat milk, butter, meats, low fat everything, even no fat. Fat is not good, we are told but I remember when meat used to taste a lot better than it does today because now days the fat has been reduced. When is the last time you had a really tasty pork chop or a juicy pork roast. Without the fat the pork tastes bland and sometimes dry. Perhaps, as is usually the case about diet, we have gone overboard about fat. Now the other controversial word in our proverb is the word liberal. In conservative circles the word liberal is anathema for it describes those from the left in contrast with those from the right. Today the word liberal describes an ideology, a set of beliefs. It used to be that the word "liberal" was a non ideological word for in days gone by it simply described a giver or the act of giving. It still means that, but today’s liberal is not a giver of their own things, but a giver of someone else’s things. The liberal of today is good about seeing a need and shedding tears over that need but instead of reaching into his wallet he instead picks your pocket and takes your money to satisfy the need. Of course there are handling fees in the transaction that have to be extracted so all the money taken goes to satisfy two needs, the need of the needy and the need of the liberal which will wipe away his tears. It is amazing how generous you can be with other people’s money or other people’s resources. It is so easy to be a giver of this sort for it costs you nothing and on the contrary it may result in great gain to the giver. So our culture has taken two good Bible words, liberal and fat, and corrupted them but they are still good Bible words. And if the Bible says for you to be liberal and for you to be fat you ought to want to be liberal and fat for being liberal and fat are good things according to God’s word. The word liberal as used in this proverb is from a Hebrew word meaning benediction, which means the act of blessing. It is more than a prayer of thanks for food but it means the being of a blessing, it means being a giver. So this proverb is not talking about a person who believes in giving your money away for welfare or establishing government programs. It is talking about a person, a soul, who is a walking blessing. He or she is a blessing soul, a soul, who by his or her actions, blesses others. This soul is a blessing to be around and this soul's presence causes others to increase. How does fat enter the picture? How does this soul of blessing become fat? What is a fat soul? This has nothing to do with the appearance of the body. We are not talking about a fat body, we are talking about a fat soul. The picture given here is of a soul who continually is a blessing to those around him or her. He is a giver outer but by being a giver outer something comes back to him and that something is what the Bible calls fat. It is from the same Hebrew word translated to anoint, to set apart, it also means to be satisfied. Picture the person enjoying a fine meal and eating until heart’s content. He is satisfied. He pushes himself back from the table. He sets himself apart from the table because he is satisfied. He is anointed from the table because he is fat from the meal. He rubs his belly in contentment. He is so satisfied and content that he even unbuckles his belt! So the liberal soul, the soul of blessing, the giver outer is a set apart one, a satisfied one. He does not wonder if he is doing God's will. He is satisfied because he is committed to being a liberal soul, a soul of blessing, a giver outer instead of a taker inner. Because he is a giver-outer he is made fat and is happy about it. He does not go on a giver-outer diet. He continues to be made fat and does not try to be anything but fat. This is good fat and he intends for his soul to continue to be made fat because he loves the contentment and satisfaction that comes from being a liberal soul. For he is performing just as Christ Jesus intended his workmanship to perform for he knows that he has been created in Christ Jesus unto good works. He not only has that peace and contentment about him but he also knows that the blessings that he bestows on others returns to him many fold. because: he that watereth shall be watered also himself. As your Bible teacher I know from personal experience that if I water you with the word of God, hopefully you may get at least little shower but I get a downpour. I am the one who learns the lessons by my study in preparation for watering you with the word of God. Is not the word of God that water that God uses to grow you? Is not that water applied to you week after week by your Pastor and your teacher? But those who minister in this way, those who water in this way are more refreshed by their own preparation then can ever be given in the short time of instruction. This is the same principle expressed in Ecclesiastics. 11:1, Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. The lesson is this. God desires that you be a blessing to others and he will return blessings to you. Blessings given are like yo-yo’s, they always come back! God may return your gift of blessing in a different form and perhaps many days later or that very day. It is not necessarily a one to one exchange. He gives to you seeds for you to give to the soil. You give the soil water and God gives you flowers. Are not the flowers a much better return on the seeds you gave the soil? Give away your bread and you will get satisfaction in return. You may give away bread and God may choose to give you tasty sweet cinnamon rolls in return! Teach others and you will be taught tenfold. God will surprise you with the variety of benefits and blessings he will return to you. But he expects you to give in faith according as you purpose in your heart. Your heart is the blessing valve. You open or close it accordingly. Give, but don't give if it is given grudgingly, or of necessity. Don't let someone force you to give by using guilt. The only return on giving of that sort is simply a loss of a guilty feeling. You can't do anything to bless others with that return! Don't give with strings attached expecting something in return from the one given to. Let God return the gift and it will be the perfect return, the perfect gift that satisfies, the gift that makes fat, the gift that makes content. Your soul will be continually satisfied by doing God’s will. Your soul will be fatter and fatter as you bless others in Christ’s stead. God has chosen you and me to be his body on earth and as his body, blessings from Christ to others must come through you. But give with a cheerful heart, for God loves a cheerful giver. The beautiful thing about being a blessing is that it is not hard to make a difference in the life of others. You do not have to have a lot of money to be a blessing. There is no one calling on you to pay off their mortgage or to give thousands of dollars in order to be a blessing. I remember so well back in the 1970’s when I went to the Pace area visiting homes inviting children to come to church and Sunday school on our Sunday school bus. It was a hot summer day and I knocked on the door of an old house. A very old lady answered my knock and when I saw her I knew there were no children there. But we passed the time with a short visit and upon my leaving she asked if I would like a drink of cold water. Oh Boy, that sure did sound good to a thirsty soul. As she went to get the water I immediately thought of what our Lord told his disciples in: Mark 9:41, For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. I took that glass of water as if it came from the hand of Christ himself for I saw the old lady’s hand as Christ’s hand. That glass of water cost that lady barely nothing but what a blessing it was to a soul who belonged to Christ. God saw the heart of that dear lady and God does not forget. Sometimes it's the little things that really help energize a person's day. What seems trivial to you may really help out a person in need. It doesn’t take much to send a note of thanks or appreciation to those who cross your path. Have you ever told a person who smiles how much you enjoy their smile? What will that telling cost you? Do you grow flowers or plants or vegetables? Think about sharing them with others. When you are in the grocery store and come across a good bargain like two for the price of one items do you think of others using the second item as a gift? If you are going to Pensacola to shop how about calling a neighbor to see if they need anything picked up. What does it cost to visit the nursing home or the hospital? Perhaps the doctor’s office could use your old magazines and you could put several tracts in each magazine. Have you read a good book? Where is it now? Why not share it with others rather than putting it on the bookshelf to gather dust. Do you open doors for others? Do you greet people as you pass them in the store or on the street? There are not many smiles in the aisles of Winn Dixie but you can lessen that scarcity by actually smiling at someone. Are you a good fixer? What about keeping your ear to the ground to hear what is broken at your neighbor’s house. What a witness that could be. Jesus instructed us in Matthew 5:16, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. How can they see any good works if you fail to do good works before them? Your good works may be what God uses to open a door of witness. Ladies who are talented to sew, get out the sewing machine and fix that hem on your friend’s dress. Are you liberal when children come calling selling things for a cause? I know most things are overpriced but they have to be if they are to help the cause. If you are praying for someone it doesn’t hurt to tell them that you prayed for them this morning. What about telling your Pastor’s how much you appreciate them. When was the last time you told them how much you were blessed by their preaching. I could ask our Pastors what percentage of you give them any comment whatsoever regarding their preaching but I’m afraid the answer might be embarrassing. We do so tend to think that what others do for us is their duty and needs no expression of gratitude. Doesn’t the giving of my tithe express my thanks? If you need encouragement at times don’t you suppose others do also? It does not cost anything to be a liberal encourager! I know this sounds strange but God wants you to get into the habit of being liberal, of being a giver outer instead of a taker inner. Strive to be fat, strive to be liberal, but make it fat and liberal according to the Bible. The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. Make Me A Blessing Out in the highways and byways of life,
Proverbs 11:25, The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. Liberal? Fat? These are words that are not met with favor in our circles. To be liberal in our day is to support give-away programs of government. Don't liberals use our tax money to fund welfare and handouts? Christians declare, don't you dare call me a Liberal, I'm Conservative to the bone. And not only do we see the word liberal, we see the word fat! This is not a word that is welcome in our culture. Our culture has declared war on fat. Down with fat! Get the fat out! Don't buy foods with a high fat content. Check the box, see how much fat is in the food! Be fat and ruin your health, even die early, we are told. Cholesterol kills! Buy low fat butter, milk, meats, low fat, low fat, even no fat. Fat is not good, we are told. But here in this proverb we are told that the liberal soul shall be made fat. Surely this is another reason not to be liberal. Who wants to be fat? Be careful, if the Bible says for you to be liberal, you ought to want to be liberal and if fat comes with it you ought to want to be fat! Take heart though, it is not a bad thing to be liberal and fat in the Bible sense. Take the word liberal as used in this proverb. It is from the Hebrew word, ber-aw-kaw'. In the preponderance of uses it is translated into the word 'blessing' throughout the Old Testament. On two occasions it is translated into the word 'present' meaning a gift. So this proverb is not talking about a person who believes in giving your money away for welfare or establishing government programs. It is talking about a person, a soul, who is a walking blessing. He or she is a blessing soul, a soul of blessing. A soul who by his or her actions blesses others. This soul is a blessing to be around and this soul's presence causes others to increase. This is a giving soul, a present to others for their benefit. How does fat enter the picture? How does this soul of blessing become fat? What is a fat soul? This has nothing to do with the appearance of the body. We are not talking about a fat body, we are talking about a fat soul. The picture given here is of a soul who continually is a blessing to those around him or her. He is a giver outer but by being a giver outer something comes back to him and that something is what the Bible calls fat. It is from the same word Hebrew word translated to anoint, to set apart, it also means to be satisfied. Picture the person enjoying a fine meal and eating until hearts content. He is satisfied. He pushes himself back from the table. He sets himself apart from the table because he is satisfied. He is anointed from the table because he is fat from the meal. He rubs his belly in contentment. He is satisfied, he is content. So the liberal soul, the soul of blessing, the giver outer is a set apart one, a satisfied one. By being a blessing to others he is content. He is not dissatisfied with his lot in life. He does not wonder if he is doing God's will. He is satisfied because he is committed to being a liberal soul, a soul of blessing, a giver outer instead of a taker inner. Because he is a giver-outer he is made fat and is happy about it. He does not go on a giver-outer diet. He continues to be made fat and does not try to be anything but fat. This is good fat and he intends for his soul to continue to be made fat because he loves the contentment that comes from being a liberal soul. And not only contentment comes to him but we are told that the blessings that he or she bestows on others returns to him many fold. because: he that watereth shall be watered also himself. As your Sunday School teacher I know from personal experience that if I water you with the word of God, you may get a little shower but I get a downpour. I am the one who learns the lessons by my study in preparation for watering you with the word of God. Is not the word of God that water that God uses to grow you? Is not that water applied to you week after week by your Pastor and your teacher? But those who minister in this way, those who water in this way are more refreshed by their own preparation then can ever be given in the short time of instruction. This is the same principle expressed in Ecclesiastics 11:1, Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. The lesson is this. God desires that you be a blessing to others and he will return blessings to you. He returns your gift of blessing in a different form and perhaps many days later or that very day. It is not necessarily a one to one exchange. He gives to you seeds for you to give to the soil. You give the soil water and God gives you flowers. Are not the flowers a much better return on the seeds you gave the soil? Give away your bread and you will get satisfaction in return. You may even get cinnamon rolls in return! Teach others and you will be taught tenfold. God will surprise you with the variety of benefits and blessings he will return to you. But he expects you to give in faith according as you purpose in your heart. Your heart is the key. Your heart is the blessing valve. You open or close it accordingly. Give but don't give if it is given grudgingly, or of necessity. Don't let someone force you to give by using guilt. The only return on giving of that sort is simply a loss of a guilty feeling. You can't do anything to bless others with that return! Don't give with strings attached expecting something in return from the one given to. Let God return the gift and it will be the perfect return, the perfect gift that satisfies, the gift that makes fat, the gift that makes content. But give with a cheerful heart, for God loves a cheerful giver. Remember: The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. "PROVERB PRACTICALS" Article in "The Projector" for Proverbs 11:25, WHO WANTS TO BE FAT? |